On September 25th, our Managing Director Stefano Mastrogiovanni and Wjatscheslaw…

On September 25th, our Managing Director Stefano Mastrogiovanni and Wjatscheslaw Pepler from our partner laboratory, PHOTOMETRIK GmbH, visited the in-house exhibition of Hänsch in Herzlake. As part of our trusted collaboration, we conduct type-approval testing of warning lamps in accordance with UN ECE Regulation 65, as well as national type-approval according to §22 a StVZO […]
Insights into the Testing Lab of Volke Entwicklungsring SE Last…

Insights into the Testing Lab of Volke Entwicklungsring SE Last week, Stefano Mastrogiovanni, our Managing Director, had the opportunity to visit VOLKE Entwicklungsring SE in Wolfsburg. For over 50 years, Volke has been a leading company in the technical development of automobiles – from the first concept to series production. Their expertise in areas such […]
At this year’s IAA TRANSPORTATION in Hannover, our Managing Director…

At this year’s IAA TRANSPORTATION in Hannover, our Managing Director Stefano Mastrogiovanni was on-site to discuss the latest trends in commercial vehicle manufacturing and engage with customers and industry experts. As a Technical Service, we assist manufacturers in obtaining type approvals for vehicles and vehicle components in accordance with European regulations. Our close collaboration with […]
This week, we attended Automechanika Frankfurt, the world’s largest trade…

This week, we attended Automechanika Frankfurt, the world’s largest trade fair for the automotive industry, with a focus on the Aftermarket. Automechanika is held every two years in Frankfurt and is exclusively open to industry professionals, making it a key event for innovation leaders in the automotive sector. Together with Dr. Wjatscheslaw Pepler, Managing Director […]
Information Exchange at the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) in Flensburg On Monday,…

Information Exchange at the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) in Flensburg On Monday, our Managing Director Stefano Mastrogiovanni together with Michael Krecek, partner at DTE Systems, visited the German type-approval authority Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) in Flensburg. The meeting, which was attended by other Technical Services and manufacturer representatives, focused on discussing the requirements for obtaining a national type-approval for […]
Thank you to EILBOTE Boomgaarden Verlag GmbH for covering our…

Thank you to EILBOTE Boomgaarden Verlag GmbH for covering our collaboration with Groupe Emitech! Together, we offer extensive testing and homologation services for electrical and electronic components in the electric vehicle sector. This partnership helps manufacturers efficiently test and certify their products for a future-proof approach. #Collaboration #Agriculture #ElectricalComponents #Homologation #TestingLabs #Emitech #ALEE Originalbeitrag auf […]
Simulating falls to protect lives! For our client, Christian Wegscheider,…

Simulating falls to protect lives! For our client, Christian Wegscheider, Managing Director of Help-24 in Vienna and the general importer of innovative medical products and electric wheelchairs in the DACH region, our Managing Director Stefano Mastrogiovanni supported the simulation of falls involving elderly individuals. These tests were conducted by crashtest-service.com GmbH in Münster, under the […]
This summer, we had the pleasure of supporting Jan Brekelsmans…

This summer, we had the pleasure of supporting Jan Brekelsmans from akquitec GmbH, a leading B2B provider of vehicle modification technologies for enhanced accessibility, in conducting a training session. Akquitec led an intensive training for Welzorg Nederland employees in ’s-Hertogenbosch, focusing on the key aspects of steering system modifications for accessible vehicle conversions. The training […]
New Training Programs Approved by the German Type Approl Authority…

New Training Programs Approved by the German Type Approl Authority (KBA) – A Major Milestone for ALEE! We are thrilled to announce that ALEE – Alliance des laboratoires d’essai européenne GmbH has officially been authorized by the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) to offer foundational training on approval relevant requirements (GRA) for type-approval procedures of vehicles and vehicle […]
Visit to Brunel Car Synergies in Dortmund Our Managing Director,…

Visit to Brunel Car Synergies in Dortmund Our Managing Director, Stefano Mastrogiovanni, recently had the opportunity to visit the testing laboratory of Brunel Car Synergies in Dortmund. He was impressed by their innovative work and commitment to the highest quality standards. In the following post, Stefano shares his impressions from this visit. Originalbeitrag auf LinkedIn